12 Best Blog Niche Ideas that Make Money

What are the most profitable blog niches? You notice some popular blogs on the internet, right?

You’re considering starting a blog because you hear how incredible it is. You might even be a regular blog reader and you’re thinking, “how do bloggers really make money?

If you want to dive into the world of blogging, I want to share this roundup of the most popular blogs for you. There are a ton of popular blog niches that make money!

In fact, I have about half a dozen blogs, in these very money-making blog niches.

You don’t have to only blog about blogging or blog about making money in order to make money. Some of the biggest blogs are not in these niches!

Want to finally learn how to start your own blog that earns money? Enroll in this free blogging course to learn how to start your blog today!

Blog Niches to Make Money

12 Best Blog Niches to Make Money

Dive into these 12 popular blog niches that get traffic and make money. Take a look!

First up we have the Mom blog niche…

1. Personal Finance/Budgeting

You might be scratching your head at how a personal finance blog about saving money can possibly make you money!

A lot of the save money/investing/wealth management tools and resources have affiliate programs tied to them. Those affiliate programs are lucrative!

Even programs and resources that are free to the general public, are high paying. It’s crazy.

Here are some examples:

  • Sofi helps people refinance into a lower interest rate and lower payment. Anything from student loans to personal loans. This is a great solution to help people save money and consolidate their loans.

So, think about how easy it would be to refer a FREE resource to your website visitor and get paid to do so!

This personal finance blog made over $14,000 in three months! They are killing it in this space and recently launched another personal finance blog brand new, that’s doing AMAZING!

2. Home Decor

This product-based niche is great for home decor and interior design lovers. There are a ton of affiliate programs that can monetize your home decor blog, as you write about home decor topics from DIY ideas to seasonal decor, and more.

I love looking online on visual social networks, like Pinterest, on DIY home decor eye candy. One of my favorite blogs for this is Patty from Dig this Design. She has a TON of content on all things interior design.

Blog Niches To Make Money

Eat your heart out home decor lovers!

3. Food

Who doesn’t love their food?

This is a bit different than healthy living, as shared above, though you could branch off and do a hybrid food healthy living blog.

This is the place for recipes, different cuisines, seasonal menus, and more.

I’ll be honest, there are limited ways to monetize a food blog BUT, the ways you can monetize can make you A LOT OF MONEY!

For example, the food blog shared above, A Pinch of Yum, earns $15K+ per month blogging about food!

How to monetize a food blog?

  • Ads
  • Digital products
  • Sponsorships
12 popular blog niches that make money

Paid ads are a lucrative, passive form of income that make you money while you sleep.

You place these little ads on your blog and every time a visitor clicks (not buys, just clicks), you get paid!

While this is the the most passive form of income, and lucrative, it’s also the least lucrative, compared to the other two income forms. To make thousands per month in ad income, you will need a TON of traffic, like 100,000 monthly views or more.

So, keep this mind, while we bring you back down to reality.

Know that, many food bloggers monetize with ads and even if you’re not at 100K monthly views, you can still earn a lot in passive income from advertising.

Digital products are next and some examples of these in a food blog might be a cookbook, or recipe cards, among other food-related products.

Your product launch can bring you $10K to $100K in a weekend, no joke, with proper planning and execution.

Some tools to use?

Lastly we have sponsorship income.

Sponsors or brands will partner with food blogs to feature them on the blog.

Like a pasta sauce company paying you to prepare and showcase a recipe using their sauce, and sharing with your blog readers.

Sponsors can pay $1,000 to $100,000 or more per campaign.

It’s very high paying and doesn’t require a ton of work.

There are blogs earning $10K per month regularly from sponsors alone. It’s a place food bloggers strive to get to.

4. Mom Blog

The mom blog niche is a popular one. Moms are a passionate audience. They love their kids and have a high interest in being a great Mom, caring for their kids by:

  • Preparing nutritious meals
  • Teaching them about the world and increasing their knowledge
  • Being a great stay at home mom or work at home mom
  • Taking great care of their families as a whole
  • Homeschooling their kids
  • And, more!

There are a lot of directions you can take a mom blog and it’s an amazing niche to monetize.

Consider all the mom and parenting stores on the market for:

  • Pregnant moms
  • New and nursing moms
  • College kid moms
  • School-aged kids moms
  • More!

One of my favorite mom blogs is Ashli’s over The Million Dollar Mama.

She has an excellent example of a mom blog in action.

Best Mom Blog Niches

She grew her new, small blog to over 100K monthly page views and earns $5K to $7K+ per month from blogging!

What’s more?

She teaches moms how to replicate her strategy and create money-making mom blogs for themselves! In her 7 step affiliate strategy, you’ll learn everything you need to know to take this money-making niche (mom/parenting blog) and turn it into a full-time income.

I’ve personally taken her training and it’s pretty incredible and eye-opening. You’ll learn a lot for sure!

For more niche ideas see our post on 11 mom Blog niche ideas

5. Spirituality

Whether it be a faith-based or spiritual blog, this passionate audience will fall in love with your blog, bookmark it and return time and time again.

This is the perfect niche to create digital products in, like:

  • Printables
  • Ebooks
  • Motivational tools
  • And more!

You will be helping people form a deeper bond with their faith and spirituality.

A blogger you’ll want to look to as a mentor is Arabah Joy.

Best Blog Niches - Spirituality

6. Homeschool

Homeschooling is schooling your kids at home.

It’s a path a lot of families take and is a heavy product-based niche which means an opportunity to help you increase your blog income.

Homeschool parents need tools and supplies to get started and maintain the homeschool environment. So, they are buyers!

Your homeschool blog will talk about all aspects of homeschooling, referring the appropriate products that will earn you a commission.

Check out the Amazon Associates affiliate program. It will be your friend here.

Affiliate marketing is an income stream that you’ll have in this space. And, you’ll reach engaged homeschool moms and families who are eager to learn about homeschooling and how to improve their homeschool environment.

An example?

Homeschool On is doing it right. Check them out.

Blog Niches - Homeschooling

7. Fitness

Fitness, or anything self-improvement related is pretty popular online.

People want to live their best lives, improve their health, feel better and look better.

Fitness is cool because the readership is passionate and you will never get bored in this niche. There are a TON of different directions to take the fitness niche:

  • Yoga
  • Strength training
  • Walking
  • Indoor gym, etc.
Best Blog Niche - Fitness

Love Sweat Fitness is a standout one that you should review, for sure.

If you’re interested in starting a blog in a Lifestyle niche see our post on the Best Lifestyle Blog Niche Ideas

8. Travel

The travel niche is an emerging niche that people are going nuts over.

Everyone has got the travel blog nowadays. People wanna be digital nomads, they want to travel the world, know where to visit, what to do, what food to check out and more.

If you want to start a travel blog, check out our easy step-by-step guide to get you started.

I operated a travel blog in the past and it did VERY WELL, earning me nearly $500/month in the first couple of months, from the start.

If you are passionate about travel, try this niche.

The bloggers that I see do very well, quickly, are usually in the travel niche, among other niches.

Popular Blog Niche Travel

Travel Blogger HQ is a cool one to check out.

For more travel niche ideas see our post on 32 Travel Blog niche ideas

9. Personal Development

This could be productivity, self-improvement, motivational, organizational or related. This is an AWESOME niche to use for your blog, especially if you have interest in this field.

Another passionate audience that wants to do better.

You can funnel readers into a personal development membership program that you create, monetize a Facebook group, create paid resources, and more.

This targets a specific problem that people are having, so it does very well in the online space.

This blogger I personally worked with, creating her blog a few years ago and today, she makes $5,000+ per month blogging!

Best Blog Niches That Make Money - Personal Development

10. Healthy Living

Another passionate niche.

Popular Blog Niches to Make Money

Do you see a trend emerging yet?

These are all niches with passionate audiences. The healthy living niche is huge and is worldwide.

You will love this lucrative niche because there are a ton of different directions you can take this:

  • Meal-based
  • Lifestyle-based
  • Diets
  • Vegan living
  • Health-related dieting and ways of eating

This is a great niche for the global scale.

If you can extend a niche to reach worldwide, there is a ton of money to be had.

This food blog, Pinch of Yum has a variety of different food recipes to suit many different lifestyles, from vegetarian, and beyond. This is a great way to take the healthy living niche and combine it with something you love, food, or recipes, to turn it into a smooth, well-oiled machine.

Food Niche

For more Lifestyle niche ideas see our post on 5 Lifestyle niche ideas

11. Small Business

Target a growing market, in the small business niche. Did you know that by the year 2020, at least 40 percent of the population will be independent contractors?

Crazy freaky, right?

Help people become small business owners.

They are clueless, they need help, you have a burning question..how to become a successful business owner.

Help them with common questions, not so common questions, create tutorials, and monetize with affiliate marketing, your own products and services, ads, and brand deals (sponsorships).

12. Beauty/Fashion

This is along the same vein as self-improvement/development.

People want to look better and be stylish and attractive-looking.

A beauty and fashion blog is a place they will want to visit to learn about style trends, latest makeup techniques, help with techniques and strategies in the beauty and fashion industry, and more.

This is a very visual niche so it will do well on visual platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.


How do you know if a Blog Niche is Profitable?

A blog niche can be profitable if it has a passionate audience behind it. If the niche has passionate readers, the more readers equal the more traffic, and a high-traffic site, with or without products, or affiliate links, can always make money passively with ads.
Knowing if an audience is passionate can be the tricky part.
How do you actually know?
Many niches you can use your common sense with. The pet niche for example has a passionate audience behind it. People are NUTS over their pets and consider them a part of their family.
That’s why there are pet toys, pet clothes, specialty pet foods, pet subscription boxes, and on and on.
If a group of people belongs to a group or club, that audience is passionate.
An easy way to test a niche is through Facebook.
Do a quick search for your audience niche and see if there are groups that show up. If you find Facebook groups, check out the group. Look at the size, the engagement, how active it is, etc. to really explore how “into” the niche these people are.
That can help you uncover how passionate a niche is.

What Are The Most Profitable Blog Niches?

The most profitable blog niches are those that can be monetized.
First, you want to find out if the audience is passionate.
Next, you want to ensure you can monetize the site. Most niches can be monetized, with ads, at the very least. But some can be more tricky than others, like the CBD oil niche, for example.
Or, brand new emerging niches that are popular but there may not be enough products on the market to sell, or become an affiliate or ads may not work.
So, bottom line..
If the readers are passionate and you can monetize the blog with ads, sponsors, affiliate links, products or services, then it can be profitable.

What Are The Most Profitable Niches for Affiliate Marketing?

For affiliate marketing, the most profitable niches are those with medium to moderate sized affiliate commissions for the appropriate products to fit your reader’s need.
I would aim for commissions of at least $2 up to thousands of dollars and more.
Don’t let the commission drive your decision to refer the product. Make sure it is a good fit for your reader and solves a need.
Affiliate commissions are based on product purchases so the most profitable niches are those where products can flourish, like:
Budgeting/personal finance
These are just a handful of examples.
You get the idea.
Not sure?
Head to an affiliate network like Shareasale and have a look around. You can browse products by category and really get a good feeling on the types of products out there, by niche, along with commission per sale, and other important figures.

For more tips on choosing a blogging topic/niche check out the guide on How to choose a blog topic/niche.

Final Thoughts

In the grand tapestry of blogging, finding the right niche is like discovering a hidden gem. Whether you’re sharing your expertise on sustainable living, exploring the wonders of travel, or diving deep into the world of personal finance, your authentic voice will resonate with like-minded readers who crave your unique perspective.

If you’re interested in starting your own profitable blog, you can learn how to set up your blog by going to our How to Start a Blog guide or you can join our free eCourse by entering your email in the form below.


12 popular blog niches to make money
Best blog niche ideas to make money